Pasadena Psychology is the website for Dr. Evelyn Novello, Ph.D. and associates. She initially asked us to host her existing website that was many years old. After of couple of years of successful hosting and maintenance, Dr. Novello knew it was time for a new design and asked us to handle the job. You can find this dynamic practice at Pasadena Psychology .

Dr. Gilbert Fugitt is a first time website client. Dr. Fugitt has a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University. He was referred to us by an existing client. Dr. Fugitt was launching a new Leadership Coaching business and asked us to build his new website showcasing his coaching services. You can find him at Dr. Gilbert Fugitt .

Just Busby Law was a referral from another law firm client. Initially, they just wanted someone to maintain their existing WordPress website. After about a year, they decided to expand into a personal injury practice and wanted a new website devoted to the new practice area and we were tasked with the job. Once the new website was online we assisted in the launch of their extensive social media campaign. You can find them at Just Busby Law .

Helltown Whiskey is a fairly new distiller, but not a new client. The founders of Helltown Whiskey are also the very successful owners of the Old Oak Cellars winery. When they were ready to bring their new spirits to market they approached us to create a landing page website. You can find them at Helltown Whiskey .

Violin and Cello is another long term client for us. This mother and daughter team of talented musicians sell sheet music primarily for violin and cello. They recently asked us to update their website with various features like audio samples, pdf sample sheet music and to implement a full e-commerce solution. You can find them at Violin and Cello .

Atlanta Insurance Law
The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Diamond is a law firm in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Diamond specializes in insurance law and is also a law professor. This WordPress site is a custom design and highlights Mr. Diamond’s areas of expertise and experience. We updated and rebranded this law practice with a clean modern design. You can find this outstanding attorney at Atlanta Insurance Law

Jim LeVeque Remodeling
Jim LeVeque Remodeling is an award winning home remodeling firm in Sierra Madre, CA. The site is built on WordPress and uses a custom designed theme and original photographs. We took over the client from another developer and completely rebranded the business from color schemes through logo and web design. You can find this fantastically talented home remodeler at Jim LeVeque Remodeling

St. Edmund’s Nursery School
St. Edmund’s Nursery School is located in San Gabriel, CA. They came to us looking for someone with WordPress experience to maintain their exiting website. Our duties include keeping the software up-to-date, uploading new images and adding or updating content as needed. They were happy with our work and after a couple of years asked us to completely redesign their website. St. Edmund’s Nursery School website

AYSO Region 678
AYSO Region 678 is a youth soccer league in Valencia, CA. They are a long term client of ap3 Web Development. We have had the privilege of redesigning their site every few years to keep up with changing technology and design trends. The current site is built on WordPress and include several custom plugins that we programmed just for this site. Region 678 also benefits from a yearly maintenance agreement where we host and make updates to the site on an as needed basis. AYSO Region 678 website